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Numer katalogowy : AO-LA-NFNF

Lightning arrestor N(f)/N(f)

Numer katalogowy : AO-LA-NFNF

Lightning arrestor N(f)/N(f)

A lightning arrester is a device that protects electrical equipment and devices from damage by electrical surge and direct and indirect lightning strikes.

85.39 PLN (20.07 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 70.57 PLN / szt.

Cena od 10 sztuk 15.76 €

Cena od 100 sztuk 14.93 €

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Szczegółowy opis

Lightning arrestor N(f)-N(f)

A lightning arrester is a device that protects electrical equipment and devices from damage by electrical surge and direct and indirect lightning strikes.

Compatible with N(f)) and N(f) RF connectors.

A reliable lightning arrester is designed for broadband use 0-3 GHz.


• Frequency range: 0-3 GHz
VSWR: 1: 1.2
• Insertion loss: 0.2 dBi
• Impedance: 50 Ω
• Voltage protection level: 600V
• Degree of protection: IP65

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Złącze N(f) , N(f)
Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +85  °C Wymiary 59.9 x 24.6  mm
VSWR <1:2 Stopień ochrony IP IP65

85.39 PLN (20.07 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 70.57 PLN / szt.

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