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Numer katalogowy : AO-ADVBT-45P
EAN: 0764460249200
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna DVB-T2 Magnet Mount 45, 3C2V/3.5m, PAL(m)

Numer katalogowy : AO-ADVBT-45P
EAN: 0764460249200
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna DVB-T2 Magnet Mount 45, 3C2V/3.5m, PAL(m)

The antenna with possibility for internal use for TV reception of DVB-T2 signal is suitable for areas with weak signal. A powerful DVB T2 antenna at an affordable price.

55.44 PLN (13.03 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 45.81 PLN / szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Magnetic antenna for DVB-T2 signal

The DVB-T2 TV room antenna with magnetic base will ensure quality reception of digital TV and radio signals DVB-T2 in the apartment, house and cottage. It is suitable for places with weak signals. A powerful room antenna at an affordable price can thus improve the TV picture on your TV.  The frequency range is 470-860 MHz. The DVB-T2 room antenna is ideal for those who want to watch digital TV without having to install a large antenna on the roof.

Thanks to the magnetic base, you can place the antenna on any metal surface without drilling. The DVB-T2 antenna comes with a 3C2V cable 3.5m long, which is terminated with a standard PAL (m) antenna connector found on your TV set. You can use this antenna as a room DVB-T2 antenna or as an outdoor DVB-T2 antenna.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 75.0  Ohm Kabel 3C2V
Złącze PAL(m) Maksymalna moc wejściowa 10  W
Polaryzacja Liniowy Wykonanie Zewnętrzny
Temperatura robocza -20 ~ +65  °C Wymiary 80 x 135  mm
Kierunkowość Dookólna Technologia DVB-T2
Waga 371.27  g Zysk 0  dBi
VSWR <2.0:1 Kąt nadawania H-360 V-30
Sposób mocowania Magnetyczne

Opinie klientów

Dodany 16. lutego 2025

Klient poleca produkt

kvalita a dobře to hraje

55.44 PLN (13.03 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 45.81 PLN / szt.

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