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Numer katalogowy : TM-S6-EU

ThingMagic Sargas Reader - Europe

Numer katalogowy : TM-S6-EU

ThingMagic Sargas Reader - Europe

ThingMagic Sargas is a small, high-performance RAIN RFID sensor in a low profile read and write capability.

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ThingMagic Sargas

ThingMagic Sargas is a small, high-performance RAIN RFID sensor in a low profile read and write capability. With built-in processor, memory and removable flash memory. It has features designed for industrial applications and easy system integration.


• Dimensions: 87 mm L x 80 mm W x 24 mm H
• 2 Antenna Ports with RP-SMA Connections Provides Improved Read Coverage
• Video HDMI for Easy Display Integration
• Supports Regional Regulatory Requirements Globally
• ThingMagic Universal Reader Assistant and Mercury API Shortens Development Process
• Optional RAINstream to Allow Direct Transfer of Tag Data to Backend Systems Via Several Alternative Protocols


• In-Vehicle, including Emergency Medical Services, Mobile Asset Management, Construction
• Warehouse & Supply Chain

ThingMagic Sargas is outfitted with a powerful ARM Cortex processor running Linux and generous amounts of DDR and FLASH memory, allowing complex on-reader programs to be loaded and written with the aid of ThingMagic’s MercuryAPI.

ThingMagic Sargas is also RAINstream enabled: with an optional, licensed, prepackaged on-reader program, it simplifies data integration, and enables the integration of the reader into existing systems, formatting tag data to multiple hosts over common communications channels.

ThingMagic Sargas is capable of reading more than 750 tags per second at distances over 9 meters when configured with appropriate antennas.

ThingMagic Sargas is certified to meet several multi-national regulatory standards, including Americas (FCC/IC), European Union (ETSI) and India (TRAI).

Multipurpose client and host USB Ports, an SD card slot, HDMI video output port, and high voltage, opto-isolated general purpose I/O ports allow Sargas to support a wide variety of applications. ThingMagic Sargas supports EPCglobal Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6C) with Anti-Collision and DRM.

This RFID readers together with antennas Times-7 Anténa RFID A5020, ThingMagic Antenna RFID 7.5' Monostatic Wideband  and ThingMagic Antenna RFID 12' Monostatic Wideband is an ideal solution for implementation in high-performance RFID systems. For connection to the reading device, it is necessary to make a RF adaptors, which we will make to measure for you.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.

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