The future is slowly becoming reality, in which we are surrounded by countless electronic devices, it’s possible to connect more and more things to the internet. This process is called Internet of Things. Its goal is to connect all Smart devices for new functions, safe data exchange and more. SECTRON is one of the few companies, that slowly but surely, bring the future now.
It might be good to mention there is a difference between Internet and Internet of Things, IoT – sometimes wrongly named IoT technology. That difference is an absence of a human interaction, which makes IoT more effective in its job. IoT devices can create information about individual communications, analyze and evaluate them and perform the right task. Gradual implementation of Smart devices into our daily lives is also sneaking its way into the subconsciousness of our population.
Among the common solutions is Smart Home. Using their phone, people are able to control their lights, gate or heating. Of course,this is not the last place where we can see IoT. The next popular thing is becoming Smart City, where the main goal is to save andhave always available renewable energy, while the user achieves a maximumcomfort. Using IoT sensors, it’s possible to create smart parking lots, smartcolumns that can serve as charging stations for electromobility, smarttrash bins that know how much trash they possess, smart energy solutions and others.
For example, the future can looklike this. You are on your way to work and your electric car has access to yourcalendar. It recognizes the best possible path, traffic status and as soon itdetects a traffic jam, it changes the path and sends an automatic notificationto the person waiting for you, that you might be late.
IoT, together with M2M Technology, can also reach beyond cities, into places such as agriculture. This way it can be changed into Smart Agriculture (sometimes called Smart Agry). These technologies then can be used to heighten the efficiency of food production, map the quality of products, protection against pests and others.
Of course, there’s a countless number of ways how to connect devices using M2M and IoT. In this article, we mentioned only a quick selection of a few important aspects of it. 50 years ago, these things were unimaginable to us. Who knows, where the future will bring us next.